Poster-art: Innovation in Poster Design / Poster-art. Новое в дизайне постеров
Posters have long been an integral part of the cityscape. Not only do they provide useful information, but they are also outdoor exhibitions of graphic art. Poster-Art explores the exciting area of poster design in a timely and essential examination of everything that goes into making a poster. The book looks at how the color, artwork, and typography are used to achieve a successful design: attention grabbing, succinct, convincing, and memorable. Poster-Art showcases an international collection of graphic design in this continually developing area. From mass-market designs to exclusive, limited-edition works, the book explores both the creative inspiration behind the works, as well as the practical considerations. Through its detailed analyses, Poster-Art leaves no stone unturned in its exploration of the exciting area of poster design.
About the Author:
Charlotte Rivers started her career at design title Graphics International (now Grafik) before moving to Sydney, Australia, to work at media and marketing title Ad News. Since returning to the UK she has contributed to a number of magazines, including Cent, Grafik and PRINT (New York), and worked as editorial coordinator for Lab magazine. Charlotte lives in London, UK.
Poster-Art - коллекция интеллектуальных, остроумных, оригинальных работ собранных по всему миру и ломающих традиционные представления о графическом дизайне и технологии печати плакатов, постеров и афиш. Poster-Art - новое издание продолжающее серию книг CD-Art, DVD-Arl и Mag-Art. В книге собраны постеры, сопровождающие различные виды деятельности и участвующие во всевозможных мероприятиях: музыкальных, кинематографических, фестивальных, выставочных, политических, театральных и т.д. И все они притягивают взгляд, общаются с потребителем и, самое главное, продают.
Шарлотта Риверз пишет о графическом дизайне, стиле жизни и креативе для множества всемирно-известных изданий, среди которых: Print, Grafik и Lab.